Manuscript Submission Guidelines to Journal of Balkan Science and Technology


This journal is an international peer-reviewed journal of the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University.

There are no fees associated with submitting or publishing in this journal.

The manuscript submission process requires the author to declare that the manuscript has not been previously published or considered for publication elsewhere. If accepted for publication in JBST, the text of the manuscript will not be published elsewhere with the same content, in English or any other language, without the written consent of the publisher.

All papers should be written in English.

All manuscripts will be evaluated individually and objectively.

All manuscripts should only be sent to via e-mail.

Submissions of printed articles will not be accepted.

Authors are responsible for the correctness of the manuscripts and the list of references.

Publishing of Manuscripts in JBST

Manuscript Types:

  • Original Research Article: Original research articles represent original and scientific research with well-scrutinized results and previously unpublished articles containing scientific research.
  • Review Article: Reviews explain the current state of the art by examining prior research on a certain area. Depending on the nature of the review, their structure differs from that of an original work. Basic research reviews should have a causal and mechanistic perspective. Reviews are normally requested by invitation only. so please refrain from posting uninvited reviews. However, if you are planning to submit a review, please explain in your letter to the editor why this review is unique and suitable for furthering the field. All reviews submitted to the journal are subject to peer review. It should not exceed 35-word processing pages.
  • Technical note: Technical notes are new and innovative works that describe in detail new methods and/or significant improvements in established methods and enable researchers to better conduct their research. Original articles covering the latest technical and/or methodological developments or innovations are accepted. Methods must be accurately described, validated, and include a sample application proving that the new technique handles better than other legacy methods.

Submission checklist

One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:

  • E-mail address
  • Full postal address

All necessary files should have been attached in your submission mail:

  • Author Contribution Form
  • Manuscript
  • Plagiarism Report: Plagiarism Report: The similarity report must be uploaded in PDF format using plagiarism software that determines similarity rates using iThenticate. If you do not have an iThenticate subscription, please contact the editor.
  • Referee Assessment Form (to be recommended)
  • Copyright Agreement Form (Authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights in JBST.)

The cover letter, title page and manuscript are submitted as a unified word file:

  • Cover letter
  • Title page
  • Manuscript text
  • Declarations
  • Orcid ID
  • References
  • Table and Figure Legends

Further considerations:

  • Make sure the manuscript 'spelling' and 'grammar' should have been checked.
  • Permission from other sources (including the Internet) must be obtained for the use of copyrighted material.
  • Make sure that the contact details of the referees you recommend are provided

Preparing of Manuscripts in JBST

Cover letter: Must be provided with the following content

  • Title of the manuscript
  • Article type
  • Submission part of JBST
  • Short summary of the study
  • A statement describing that the article will be published in this journal for the first time as follow:

This manuscript has not been submitted for publication elsewhere; it has not been accepted for publication and has not been published in any other journal”

  • All other affiliations, e-mail addresses, Orcid IDs

Title page: Must be provided with the following content

  • Title of the manuscript: A concise and informative title
  • All authors’ affiliations: Name and Surname of the author, respectively (no titles or academic grades) and address of the institute(s) where the investigations have been carried out. Should the address of the author at the time of publication differ from the one stated in the paper, the current address should be stated in a footnote
  • Short running title: Limit 40 characters
  • Contact information of the corresponding author: The complete mailing address of the corresponding author including telephone and telefax numbers and e-mail addresses.

Manuscript text: The text of the manuscript should be written in Times New Roman with 12 font sizes, 1.5 line spacing and line numbers should be added. The manuscript text must be provided with the following content

  • Abstract: An abstract of not more than 250 words should be prepared without abbreviations unless necessary.
  • Keywords: 3–6 without repeating words in the title
  • Introduction: Indicating the aim of the study
  • Materials and methods
  • Results and/or Discussion: Double presentation of data in the form of text, tables or figures should be avoided.  Results and Discussion sections can be prepared together or separately.
  • Conclusion

Please note that: References should be numbered consecutively using square brackets according to the order in which they appear in the text. Please do not put references and bibliographies in alphabetical order. Do not use footnotes or hyperlinks. Use the IEEE format for references in the text. Please check the IEEE.

Declarations: Must be provided with the following content

  • Author Contribution: It is a statement that presents the organization of the authors during the preparation process of the article, such as data collection, interpretation of results, and writing of the article as follows:

“Conceive– A.B.C.; Design– A.B.C., W.X.Y; Experimental Performance, Data Collection and/or Processing– A.B.C., W.X.Y.; Literature Review– A.B.C., W.X.Y.; Writer– A.B.C., W.X.Y.; Critical Review– A.B.C., W.X.Y.”

Please make sure that the preparation of the organization takes into account the criteria in the "author contribution form" signed by the corresponding author of the submitted manuscript. For authorship in JBST, it is expected to correspond to at least three of the criteria in this form.

  • Conflict of Interest: A statement concerning the conflicts of interest of all authors is mandatory at the end of the manuscript text and above the references. If there is no conflict, please make a statement as follows:

“The author(s) declare no conflict of interest.”

  • Acknowledgement: A statement concerning the funding of all authors is mandatory at the end of the manuscript text and above the references. If there is no funding, please make a statement as follows:

“The author(s) declare that this study has received no financial support.”

Orcid ID: All authors’ Orcid ID.

List of References: References should be given in the plain text. References should be listed and numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. All authors and/or groups of authors cited in the text should be included in the reference list. All references should be written in IEEE format. Please note that it is easier to prepare the journal's reference style using an Endnote instead of a word.

Legend of Tables and Figures: The figure and table legends, which include Arabic numerals, should be entered in the proper fields. Do not integrate the figures and tables into the text of the manuscript. The resolution of the figures is 300 dpi for colour and black and white bitmaps; For schematics and drawings, it should be at least 600 dpi quality. All tables and figures presented in the legend should be cited in the manuscript text.

General Knowledge

Abbreviations: Abbreviations should only be used when necessary.

Headings: Please use no more than three levels of displayed headings.

English Language: It is in the authors’ best interest that manuscripts be proofread by a native English speaker. We recommend language editing by an editing service such as or which are free of charge.

Reproduction of Colour Figures: Figures are published with the colour as you sent in the draft.  

Permissions: Authors who desire to use previously published figures, tables, or text passages must seek permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online formats, as well as provide documentation of such authorization when submitting their papers. Without such proof, any material sent will be believed to be from the writers.